The Buzz
Oh, Honey! is an urban apiary founded by a local backyard beekeeper who stumbled into beekeeping the hard way. If you’re interested in beekeeping or helping pollinators, the best way is to plant pollinating plants native to your region. If you still want to go into beekeeping, we recommend taking a class with your local extension office or bee supply store, then joining a bee club and learning all you can before taking the next step.
The Accidental Beekeeper
Our head beek started beekeeping almost by accident. First begun as a hobby to offer a mental break from sitting behind a desk, she realized that the lessons learned from beekeeping could translate to a more meaningful life. She still feels very much like the “newbee” and continues to learn all she can and share her story with other ‘keepers and honey fans. Along the way, she’s “made every mistake one can make beekeeping” and admits that she will probably make more.
We can learn a lot from bees: They are always working to improve the hive. They don’t get bogged down in mistakes or accidents. They work together to build a comb, collect pollen and produce honey.
Meet The Hive

Accidental Beekeeper

Gladys, Beeatrice, Linda & Abeegail